Sirmoor Croquet 2024 Report #1
The first Sirmoor outing to Hurlingham took place on 21st June. Jon Aslett proved the enduring attraction of this Premier Sirmoor event by driving up from Sussex – not bad at 92 years of age! The now familiar line up included Jon, his daughter Sophie Graham, Peter and Annie Duffell, Bruce and Carol Jackman (making that long journey from Bristol), Mark Pettigrew, John Swanston (who had managed ‘Wordle’ at his first attempt that morning), David and Jo Santa-Ollala and Christopher and Griselda Lavender.
Lunch on the Terrace was taken – perhaps a little longer than usual -and accompanied by some delicious Rose (this may have had an influence on some of the play in the ensuing games!).
The Hallowed ‘Courts ‘of Hurlingham – Peter ‘on strike’!
As in previous years we played Golf Croquet, which might be less Machiavellian and ‘purist’ than Association Croquet but is much more fun for those that do not play croquet regularly. With an imbalance in the number of players, partnerships changed, and the number of games played varied. The weather was idyllic, the company dynamic and the croquet very evidently improving year on year.
That crucial first stroke
Bruce runs the Second
Three of the ‘Didi-bahini haru’
There was drama and excitement on both courts with occasional unerring accuracy and some delicate placing of balls in the jaws of the hoops – so leaving the opposition with limited options. Griselda had the shot of the afternoon playing her ball out of the jaws of the seventh hoop and straight through the eighth – thereby running two hoops with one stroke.
Taking a break from the rigours of the game
Peter and John thinking of ice creams
Mark, Sophie and Bruce – a place in the sun!
The Apres Croquet – with Sirmoor Panamas resplendent!
At this stage a competing attraction – the tennis at Queens – lured those that had first ventured to the ice cream stall to watch Jack Draper (our new tennis British star) play the American 5th Seed. And so we decided to ‘draw hoops’ and retire to the Terrace for cream tea and scones. Reflecting on the afternoon’s play (and as tradition dictates we must have a winner) Griselda nominated Mark – as the only Sirmooree not to be on a losing team – and he was thus anointed!
After further catching up and exchanging details of plans for the Summer (and seeing Jack Draper narrowly lose his match) we dispersed – to Bristol, Wiltshire, Sussex and some to Napier Avenue – just around the corner.
Sirmoorees will next grace the sacred lawns of Hurlingham on 22nd August.